Friday, January 27, 2006

Another Quiz

Perhaps my negativity was a little premature this time. I played hockey on Tuesday and we won the game 8-6 despite being down 4-0 at one point. I've moved from defence to center and apparently, my lack of skills don't show as badly there, since a couple of people told me I played a really good game. I don't know, I think whenever I play badly, it just lights a fire under my ass for the next game...

Anyway, here's the newest dumb quiz I've picked up by reading various blogs:

Four jobs you've had in your life:
Quality control analyst (Molson's), quality control technician (Labatt's), chief returning officer (Lister Hall Students' Association), and deputy returning officer (Elections Canada). I know, the last two are kind of a stretch, but I really haven't worked that much.

Four movies you could watch over and over:
American Beauty, The Big Lebowski, Back to the Future, Fargo

Four places you've lived:
Edmonton, Alberta; Strathmore, Alberta; Canmore, Alberta; Prince Albert, Saskatchewan

Four TV shows you love to watch:
South Park, The Simpsons, Degrassi (the old ones, not the new shit), The Price is Right

Four places you've been on vacation:
Seattle, Istanbul, Athens, Rome

Four websites you visit daily:
Besides blogs:,,,

Four of your favourite foods:
Chicken wings, steak, ribs, pate chinois

Four places you'd rather be right now:
I'll take this to mean places I'd like to visit...Atlanta, New York, Halifax, Moscow

Four albums you can't live without:
I don't listen to CD's...all my songs are on MP3 (not on an IPod though...I don't believe in them)

Four vehicles I've owned:
The 1988 Volkswagen Fox and the bike. That's it. And since Volkswagen's never die, that may be the only car I'll ever own.

And I don't believe in "tagging" either, so no need for any readers to do this too.

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